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KLP Reflexology 与知名运动品牌*Xtep(特)*正式签署谅解备忘录(MOU) ❗

We are proud to announce that KLP Reflexology has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the renowned sports brand Xtep.

This partnership marks the collaboration of two leading brands, aiming to leverage their respective strengths to drive innovation in the fields of sports and lifestyle.

A highlight of this collaboration is the exclusive discounts and benefits available to members of both brands, which include:

1. KLP member register with Xtep membership will automatically entitle 3 star membership card, 15% off
(a) Not apply to carbon plate item
(b) No purchase within 1year, member will be forfeited.
2. All Xtep members can become KLP members with 10% discount. (with member listing, phone number, name, and member tiers of Xtep)
3. Registered members can receive a complimentary one-hour foot or full-body massage on their birthday. They also get a 20% discount when they bring friends come during their birthday.
We look forward to this collaboration bringing more unique and exceptional products and experiences to our consumers.☺
Focusing on the future, we join hands to create a brilliant tomorrow. 🤝🤝

全彭 𝗡𝗢 𝟭 按摩連鎖店

👣𝗞𝗟𝗣 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆👣 長達𝟭𝟱年的经验 拥有獨創四國合一傳統按摩手法👐 位於 📍Mentakab 📍Triang 📍 Kuantan 🔥為什麼一定要來體驗 – 環境舒適 – 獨立空間 – 四國合一按摩手法 – 15年按摩經驗 – 免費提供茶水 —————————————- 📢KLP Reflexology正在扩充,高薪聘请多位按摩师加入我们大家庭✅✅ 🎗️无需经验,免费提供按摩技术培训及住宿,训练中还有薪金补贴👍👍 第一年買車 第二年買家 第三年當老闆 只要有心 這絕對不是夢💪💪 想預約按摩的朋友/有兴趣应征按摩师一职

無意間滑到小紅書看見Anna Yao美女分享我們𝗞𝗟𝗣 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 Premium分行💕

❤️謝謝您對我們的支持 ❤️你的反饋是我們的動力 沒體驗過的朋友們 不妨來體驗一次🤩 📍 Premium 09-2783036 📍 Mentakab 09-2784036 📍 Triang 09-2505639 #klpreflexology #healthylifestyle #massagetherapy #enjoyworking #mentakab #Triang #Kuantan


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